Why Should you Cork your Brick?

Thermal CorkShield is the perfect product to update both the look and efficiency of your brick. There are a number of reasons why a client may want to change the look of their bricks; They can age a house, they can take damage from the elements and break down, and moisture can find its way through.

There are often not many options for updating brick; You can demolish and remove the brick, adding expense, then rebuild and prep for stucco or siding. This adds not only more expense, but more time than necessary. Using paint on your exterior can also seal off the bricks, which are a breathable surface, causing moisture to be trapped behind followed by deterioration.

Thermal Corkshield is applied as easily as paint, and while it updates the look with a consistent texture, beautiful rich colour, and long lasting exterior thermal break. It is also breathable, allowing the mortar and bricks to breath and exhaust vapours properly. Thermal CorkShield will actually maintain your surface and prolong the life of your bricks, while ensuring more longevity. While protecting your home we will also save you cash on your utility bills by adding a thermal break which will drastically reduce the amount of hot or cold energy from penetrating your walls and compromising your insulation.

That's not all, Thermal CorkShield is also a class A fire retardant, will add an acoustic barrier which will render your house more quiet, it’s flexible, it’s impact and rot resistant, and it fades, on average, 6-8 times slower than traditional exterior products. The question at the end of the day is not "why should coat your bricks with our cork spray", the question is, why wouldn't you coat any exterior surface you have in our beloved Thermal CorkShield.


Everything you Need to Know About Vipeq Thermal CorkShield


Vipeq provides a quality product installed professionally and guaranteed for 15 years.